Zoologist of Year Award 2023
Zoologist of Year Award 2023
Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Zoologist of the Year Award is ZSP’s premier scientific award, and this year it is presented to Professor Zulfiqar Ali, University of the Punjab. Dr. Ali’s pioneering work on conservation biology and environmental health has had significant impact on zoological sciences. His work has induced people to reconsider how environmental policies and the protection of wildlife can shift paradigms in light of contemporary circumstances. With data supporting the new scenarios, he has made particularly significant contributions to scientific understanding of the connections between environmental health, climate change impacts, and wild species as drastic declines in populations. Professor Ali has written more than 170 articles and books related to wildlife, (Impact Factor publications 152 with citation 1689). Obtained his MSc degree in Zoology from University of the Punjab in 1991 and PhD in 2005. He has supervised research work of 28 PhDs and 63 MPhil students besides several MSc/BS. He is founder of the New Zoological Museum in Punjab university, established wildlife department in UVAS, and provided services to many national and international organizations with his expertise in wildlife management. His work and expertise lie in the area of wildlife conservation that includes: wildlife surveys, habitat assessment, wetlands management, community mobilization, and sustainable natural resource planning. He has developed and implemented plans to reduce the negative impacts of human activities on biodiversity. His additional expertise as environmental health specialist also recognized with many international research articles and a text book of air pollution monitoring. Prof. Ali is Life Fellow of Zoological Society of Pakistan, Fellow of Zoological Society of London, Linnaean Society of London, Aerosol Society, British Ecology Society, British Natural History Museum, Society of Wetlands Scientist, Society for Ecological Restoration International, and WWF-Pakistan. Prof. Ali was also awarded WWF-International Prince Bernhard Award for Nature Conservation in 2002. He has attended 23 international and 31 nationals conferences, seminars and workshops.