PU organizes Mehfil-E-Melad LAHORE: (Saturday, October 8, 2022): Punjab University Department of Public Relations and Advertising in collaboration with Department of Journalism Studies organized Mehfil-E-Melad (S.A.W) on “Dahr Mein Asm Muhammad Se Ajala Kirde” in which students highlighted the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and presented the hadiths and devotional kalam in honor of Him. On this occasion, the students recited Natia Kalam, Qaseeda Sharif and Durood-O- Salam, while at the end of the ceremony, the chairperson of the Department of Journalism Studies Prof Dr Bushra Hameedur Rahman made a special prayer. Renowned writer Prof Musrat Kalanchvi, Naat Khawan Ali Raza, Chairperson Department of PR and Advertising Prof Dr Abida Ashraf, Associate Prof Dr Faiza Latif, Dr Umair Nadeem, Naveed Iqbal, faculty members, employees and students were present. In her speech, Prof Musrat Kalanchvi, while highlighting the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) discussed various events and aspects of His life. Afterwards, souvenirs were presented to the guests. Tweet Follow @pu_lhr_official |