University of the Punjab
Estb. 1882
Ph.D. Thesis Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Naila Noreen
PU IAP Celebrated Annual Sports Day 2023
DLSEI-coursera Fifth Online Freelancing Session
PU Radio Centre FM 104.6 Organizes a Seminar
PU awards five PhD degrees
PU declares MSc results
Int’l moot on Economics, Business and Social Science at PU - Govt, Opp must unite for economic stability- Dr Shahid Munir
Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Faisal Shahzad Khan
PU HCBF annaul sports gala
Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Sumaira Khizar
Modern research to solve industrial problems: PU VC
PU Department of Physics to organize int’l conference
PUOWA organizes sports festival
Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms Tehseen Akbar
PU awards PhD degree to Hafiz Muzzammel
4th PU International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology during November 22-25, 2021